Early Alert Canines' (EAC) Board of Directors volunteer their time and their unique skills to help support our organization. Board President, Dr. Kim Bercovitz, has been Castro Valley Companion Animal Hospital’s Practice Owner since January of 2018. She went to the University of California at Davis where she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. Expanding on her interests in medicine and animal care, she then went on to receive her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University Of California Davis School Of Veterinary Medicine in 2001.

"Dr. B.", as her clients like to call her, lives in Castro Valley with her husband, two children, and dog. She has an incredible bedside manner and truly cares about both her patient’s and client’s well-being, while also practicing the best medicine.
As a Veterinarian, what makes working with Service Dogs unique?
Dr. B. says, "As a veterinarian, taking care of EAC's service dogs offers the unique experience of taking care of a real-life hero! They save lives, sometimes daily, and are still the sweetest dogs."
As the Board of Directors President, what inspired you to volunteer with EAC?
"I began volunteering with EAC a decade ago, shares Dr. B. "I had provided medical care for Diabetic Alert Dogs in the past and thought it was very interesting. One day, a dog came into my practice and it was agitated. The dog was continuously alerting and looking at the treatment area of the hospital. We had a staff member with diabetes, but she was stable, and after checking her blood sugar a couple of times we determined it was not her. Then, we realized that the technicians and veterinarians had all missed lunch because of an emergency surgery. This was my lightbulb moment! This dog was alerting relentlessly and it made me realize these dogs were so much more than just having an interesting skill. These dogs had a job that they took seriously, which was to alert someone of their rapidly changing blood sugar, and in the process they are saving lives! Soon after that, I was invited to volunteer and jumped at the chance."

What is a memory that stands out about caring for an EAC dog?
Dr. B. shares, "I have had so many memorable moments, and it's difficult to think of just one. It is more like a collage of memories. There have been emergencies like discovering that a vomiting dog had eaten fabric and needed emergency surgery as well as joyous days like vaccinating a group of silly puppies. I remember participating in the annual "2 feet 4, paws 1 cause" walks and talking to people about their year and their amazing life-saving dog stories. There are also heartbreaking moments when we have to say goodbye to these amazing dogs. There are so many heartwarming stories about these dogs. How could I pick just one?"
Why should a donor support EAC?
"EAC combines life-saving dogs with kids (and adults) and a major life-threatening disease," says Dr. B. "Why wouldn't people want to support this type of organization? The reality is that diabetes currently has no known cure. In addition to alerting a person to their changing blood sugars, these dogs provide a living, thinking partner who provides companionship and emotional support! That is worthwhile!"
Thank you, Dr. Bercovitz!
If you are interested in becoming a Board Advisor, please contact us at: info@EarlyAlertCanines.org.